Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sample Letter to Vicki Truitt

Here's an e-mail that Laurie Jackson, a very informed and involved parent and HMS PTA President sent out. Please take the time to read this and follow her lead!
Hello, all,

I’m sure all of you know by now that our school district is facing a drastic financial crisis.

The state’s school finance system (House Bill 1) already had our district in a budget crunch.

Now that the state itself is experiencing a huge budget shortfall, GCISD is facing an even greater financial emergency.


I know that most of you know that this has been a soap box of mine for a while, but things are getting worse.

As citizens of this community and as parents of children in GCISD, we have a responsibility to let our lawmakers know that the current system of school financing is UNACCEPTABLE!

Don’t know what to say?

The email below is the most recent email I sent to our state representative, Vicki Truitt.

Please feel free to use that info as a guide or send the note as is (just change the name, etc. J).

If our lawmakers don’t hear from us about this, they will not know that we think it’s important!


From: The Jacksons []
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 9:31 AM
To: ''
Subject: I am a concerned citizen of Grapevine, Texas .

Dear Ms. Truitt,

My name is Laura Jackson. I am a mother of four children, and I have been a Grapevine resident for 10 years. I have been extremely active in the schools my children attend, serving in capacities ranging from PTA president to homeroom parent. I have witnessed first-hand the caliber of programs and staff in our schools. We have one of the finest school districts in the state. One of the primary reasons my family and I settled here is the outstanding quality of the Grapevine-Colleyville school district. In fact, I believe our school district is one of this area’s (and your constituencies’) most important features.

However, I am highly distressed about the future of this school district and, consequently, the future of my community. As you (should) understand by now, GCISD is facing a serious economic deficit. The Legislature’s current system of school financing (House Bill 1) continues to fail and is letting our children – the children of voters who elected you – down.

The quality of a community’s school system is the bedrock of a prosperous, thriving community. An area’s schools are what attract hard-working families to settle down and spend their hard-earned income there. The tax dollars spent in that community SHOULD be used to continually improve the school system – all for the benefit of its children. Under our state’s current system of school funding, our hard-earned tax dollars seem to be flying out of our community faster than we can earn them – all to the detriment of our children.

If GCISD and our children continue to fall victim to the Legislature’s ridiculous excuse of a financing system, the quality of this district will begin to plummet. For the first time EVER, our district is facing the possibility of firing teachers. With fewer teachers, we will be facing not only fewer curriculum choices but also larger class sizes, a condition under which both students and teachers suffer. With larger class sizes, it will be difficult to retain and attract the high-caliber teachers we expect in our classrooms.

Following the lay-offs, our wonderful programs will be at risk. No longer will the district be able to support our outstanding fine arts or even gifted and talented programs. These are the very features that the citizens of this community demand in a school district. What happens when GCISD can no longer offer the very things that set it apart from other school districts? The whole community will feel the negative effects.

Ms. Truitt, as a concerned citizen and distressed parent, I am wondering what exactly you are doing to support the children of the communities you represent? Every legislative session I look for your name on bills that address this dire situation. Every legislative session I have been disappointed. There are solutions to this unacceptable situation:

1. Remove the revenue cap on our districts. GCISD has a large, healthy tax-base. HB-1 is limiting our access to our own money.

2. Provide for an inflation factor when allocating funds. The Legislature is forcing the district to operate at a 2011 cost-of-living with a 2005-2006 level of income. It’s absurd.

3. Return the authority to raise taxes to our school boards. We voters ELECT these officials for this very reason: to act on behalf of the district and our children. Under HB-1, the school district must hold an election to approve a tax rate increase. Even if an increase is approved, our district can only keep roughly half of every dollar, while the other half goes to the state. That is unacceptable.

I truly hope you grasp the situation into which the Grapevine-Colleyville school district has fallen. I worry first and foremost about our children and the quality of their education. I am equally troubled by what is going to happen to this wonderful community should the quality of GCISD diminish as a result of House Bill 1.

It is my sincerest wish that you are not only equally concerned but also ready to take up the fight and support our children. It is past time for new legislation. Are you, Ms. Truitt, a true representative of your community? If you are, then you can not ignore what is happening in your own back yard.

Thank you,
Laura Jackson
Citizen of Grapevine

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